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How do I change the background colour of a chapter?


When on the chapter, tap the middle of your screen. Two black boxes should appear from the top and bottom of the screen. Look at the bottom box. There should be four symbols. Tap the second symbol, the moon/ sun, to switch between a white and black background.


How do I download a novel?


When on a chapter for the desired novel, tap the middle of your screen. Two black boxes should appear from the top and bottom of the screen. Look at the top box. On the right side of it, there should be three symbols. Tap the middle symbol. The whole novel will be downloaded.

If I’ve previously downloaded a novel and I want to download the latest chapters, will it download only the latest chapters or the whole novel?


The whole novel will be downloaded again.

How can I switch from page/ turn view to scroll view when reading?


When on the chapter, tap the middle of your screen. Two black boxes should appear from the top and bottom of the screen. Look at the bottom box. There should be four symbols. Tap the third symbol, the ‘Aa’. Look at the bottom-right of the black box. There should be two icons; a box with arrows pointing up and down and a box with arrows pointing left and right. Tapping the box with the up-and-down arrows will enable scroll view or you can tap the box with the left-and-right arrows to enable page/ turn view instead.

How do I change the size of the text?


When on the chapter, tap the middle of your screen. Two black boxes should appear from the top and bottom of the screen. Look at the bottom box. There should be four symbols. Tap the third symbol, the ‘Aa’. On the middle of that new black box, there should be a slider. Slide it to the right get bigger text, and slide it to the left for smaller text.

App 5
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Created by Neverfire7

Contributors: Tugster, Olivia, Checkm8, PerpetualPhoenix

Thanks to: CKtalon, Millman97, Oxy, Billdoor, Såint

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